made in USA, please!! [ ur email's/web's addr = non_T T[shirt]]

(showing_that_u_love_USA_helps_u) efficientestly support USA !! ^the ___EASIEST___ tool ===>>> !……… w/ "call_forward" etc , all free 4a

faq [ frequentest ask’d quests[questions] ]

October 1, 2012 @ 8:40 am
faq master-solver –
real humans ::

faq - will ads be compulsorily shown w/ access of my domain ?
... ... ... ...
- no  ! there ^is n'o[nO//no] compulsory ads ,
- no  ! there ^is n'o[nO//no] obligation to show ads , v respect your freedom
- should u prefer n'o advertisements at all , 
      please e us your preferrence =>
      nO matter what , all our services are still proud to serve u 4 free 4 ever , thank u
- however, if u wish to support this very [humble] service to last 4 a(ever), 
      then u may allow us to insert a few ads , guaranteed non_intrusive !
- guaranteed :: nO pop_up , nO pop_under , just nO any pop '!')
faq - how to set up email's signature//footer ?
details ===>>> email signatures
faq - how to forward[etc] to other emails-adress ?
} Lady1st serves as example for other domains o' HelpUsHelpUs {
... ... ... ...
answer :: easy ,
once logged in => premium[@_bottom_o'_'the_menu_stick]=> Email forwards
}}} a exampleing screenshot - {{{
u can change the destination o' your emails-forwarding @ any time
by doing same instructions as just-above ,
& , ^the[this] changes take effect instantly
btw , u can just take it as personnallised}personalized{ "persona" for ur ordinary e-address !
in the summary -
it's just like→ phone-calls forwarding[=redirecting]
faq - how to forward [_etc_] to other site ?
} Lady1st serves as example o' other domains o' HelpUsHelpUs {
... ... ... ...
after logged in ,
@ ^the[=that] left-side-bar , please click ^the *Appearance* ,
then - pl's find `" , in 1st//2nd row o' *Available Themes*
then - pl's click `Activate"
then - ^the button o' *Redirect* appear @ bottom o' your left-side-bar
then - pl's click ^the button
then - pl's follow the __very__simple__ instruction @ there
}}} a exampleing screenshot - {{{
u can change the destination's-address o' your webs-forward
@ any time - by doing same instructions as just-above
^the changes take effect instantly
in the summary - it's just like →  phone-calls forwarding

faq –

how to send mails w/[etc] in ^the `from” ?

Lady1st serves as example o’ other domains o’ HelpUsHelpUs {

... ... ... ...
answer 1 :: <_bottom_>
... ... ... ...
answer 2 ::
on an other hand , if 
your current email_site[_e.g.::_GMX_] do not let u send mails in identity o' any non_GMX e-address , ... 
then let's suggest u ↘
make ur new e-address }{ as reply-to-address @ there !
details for `reply-to-address", ... pls see *options*(_or_any_name_like_that_) in ^the email_site

faq – what does your site offer ??

... ... ... ...
essence ::
plus[FREEE] –
forward [_etc_] to _any_ web-site address ,
e.g. – the long long address o’ your facebook,etc ,
e.g. –
} Lady1st serves  as example for other domains o’ HelpUsHelpUs. {

plus[FREEE] –

u can forward }-etc-{ to _any_ emails-address ,

e.g.- the eyescreaming boring gmail,etc ,

} Lady1st serves as example for other domains o’ HelpUsHelpUs. {


our addresses r[are]very flexible and can b played in multi ways , for example ::

should u register a//an address like , then ,

all o’ addresses @ below … will forward all your traffics to your  prescribed destination –
} Lady1st serves as example  for other domains o’ HelpUsHelpUs. {

in the summary – it’s just like →  phone-calls forwarding

faq - how many e/w addresses may i have w/ u  ?
as many as u wish @ same account , welcome ! 
u can registr & & & &  
etc etc etc ............. for diffrnt[differrent] purpose , for any purpose, 
just like -::- u have diffrnt t_shirts//fashions for diffrnt situations

} indeed , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' `t_shirts//fashions" !,) 
} indeep , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' ` 4d non_t t " !,)) 

and , u can have unlimitted amount o' accounts ,
yet , u need only 1 account 4[for] all purposes
faq - how long may my identity b[be] ?
as long as u wish ,
& , u can use letters &/or numbers &/or hyphens &/or periods in your iD
faq - how long may i keep my account for ?
as long as it's active .
if your destination's_web's_address return a 404 [file_not_found] error
     more than 3 months ,
then v'll send a mail to u , 
     asking whether u'd still want to keep your account active .
if u no longer want it , then v release it , so that one else can use it
faq - any restriction on what i may use my domain for ?
in a nutshell , v ^are ye[the] freeste}freest{ !,)
allmost all our competitors dis-allow your own destination_address 
containing any such thing -> adUlt / defamatory / gay / porno / profane / etc 

v allow ! 
} obviously , v cant disclose who r our competitors @ here {
} sorry for any inconveniency , please accept our sincere apology {
all our competitors do even dis-allow your addresses to b pointed to 
-> ad farm / affiliate-program / site o' pay-per-click / gambling / etc !

v allow 
our competitors do not allow more than 3 domains being pointed to a same 
url}destination_address{ !

v allow
our competitors do not allow a subscriber to have more than 1 account 

v allow !
however u'd only need to create 1 account -
once ur account 's activated 
then u can set up multiple addresses n manage them all from ^the same log_in
our big competitors do even require :: 
your destination_site's_content must b in big languages, e.g. Chinese, Russian

v do n'ever[nEVER] b}be{ having such sucking !,)
even v have some-thing f'king as FuckingAustria !,)) 
v allow & follow freedoms o' speeches , v allow any thing which's legal in USA
indeed, v'r the 1st_&_only such site , who allows such things black_on_white
yet , v ^do prohibit spammings & illegals & ab'usings[abUsings] etc !!!
&&& , u ^do b soly}solely{ & completly completely held responsible for all u do
faq-  your privacy policy ?
v do n'ever[never] share your email's-address or any personnal>personal< info
with any_1 else . our complete privacy policy
faq - I did not receive that activation's mail . y[why]?
t'[the] most probable reasons :
a) u have accidentally mistyped your emails-address @ signing up
b) ^the activation's_mail have ended up in your spams}etc{ folder
c) there b[be] a problem w/ your emails-provider's system
d) our mail were blocked by your emails-provider
e) it can take a while for your emails-provider to process incoming mails
if u still not c[see] ^the mail ,
then please drop us a line @
then v mail u an_other activation , thank u
faq - i can not c[see] my destination_site . what's wrong ?
1st - make sure u have correctly activated your account
2nd - log in your account ,&, check whether u'v enter'd your destination rightly
3rd - ^the problem may lie @ destination's-end , not ur account @ us
faq - my confirmation_email do not arrive.
1 - please - make sure that mail were not sent to your spams//junks folder
it's always smart to whitelist our domains in your mails-preferrence ,
should your provider b[be] so smart up to ^the smart option
please make sure that 
ye r trying to log in ex_actly from ^the inbox_address u register w/ us
faq - i cant log in to my account . what can I now_by ?
when_ever u click ^the ``` sign in "" ,
then shows up *** Lost your password? *** just underneath ,
then - please - click it & act accordingly ,
then v'll send your details_o'_log_in to email's-address u sign'd up w/ us
if u'd no longer have any access to ^the[that] email's-address ,
then - please - drop us a line at
then v'll send u your details .
should u b[be] sure u'v enter'd[enterred] correct informations,
then - please - make sure that browser 's not blocking our cookie_o'_log_in
still n'o[no] luck ?
then shoot us up to !')
then v'll sort it out 4 u
if v suspend your account,
then v'll always send a note to t'[the] email's-address u sign'd up w/ us
faq - how can i change my id / domain / account's name ?
it's not possible to change them , instead , please create a new account
faq -  i dont have a site to point my domain to . then ?
u can sign up w/ some-thing ... such as - myspace, facebook , stumbleUpOn .
then u have a site automatickally//automaticcally ,
& , our addresses work w/ any site's-address !,)
faq - why i not able to log in  ?

– u may have mistyped id / password

– please check that u’v not enterred space in your id / password

– please check that key “ CAPS LOCK “” not accidently pressed

– thank ye very much

faq - y[why] your English so queer ? who r u ?
i'm Irish American orphan , born & stuck[lived] in hong-kong ,
} very contrary to my own wish , so unlucky {
} ^then , hk belonged to UK , now belonging to//of China {
*English* reason 1 - it's my site ...
if i couldnt express in my own style o' English freely @here ,... where ???
*English* reason 2 -
u say your own style o' English ,
every_1 say her//his//its own style o' English , ... y[why] cant i ???
*English* reason 3 - o k , any way , i'm crazy , so , so is my English !;)
faq - your sites' functions seem too many , dont they ??
... ... ... ...
answer :: ... oyes , a little bit , 

some premium_services ... e.g. dns-setting , domain_mapping ...
only super professionals can master them !!
u can skip over any function u think too complicated , & yet ,
u have nothing to lose

v'd recommend to just use only our email//url forwarding ,
which would b simply simple for understanding
faq - i'v read all answers @ this page &  i'm still stuck , then ?
      ... ... ... ...
faq master-solver ::
real human ::
v'll strive our best to sort out your problem 4 u.
thank u , best , HelpUsHelpUs networks

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faq / our ``non_T*T"" for your $ucce$$e$ / about / contact / features / help / privacy policy / terms /_UNIQUENESSES_/
how our ``non_T*T"" helps u win ♥♥'s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ , etc , etc , etc /

followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u do not have them , ... dont look further ! ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring products made_in_USA , please !
>>> e.g.:: via ! <<< ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - `` products made_in_USA "" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA develop'r's , USA execs
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy products made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products made_in_USA ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying products made_in_USA = [best_way] helpin' USA//US//us//u's = helpin' u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy products made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying products made_in_USA ! @ least indorse them !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o}nO{ need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee