made in USA, please!! [ ur email's/web's addr = non_T T[shirt]]

(showing_that_u_love_USA_helps_u) efficientestly support USA !! ^the ___EASIEST___ tool ===>>> !……… w/ "call_forward" etc , all free 4a

it’s alllllllll about _____CLEARest_ image [professional//romantic//etc]

March 26, 2013 @ 5:51 pm

example – when applying for jobs,etc , u got to b as_professional_as_possible 
in alllllllll aspects[_esp_===>>>_your_email’s//web’s_addresses_]

examples o’ our professional IMAGE email’s//web’s addresses ::
[myname@] – also good for life-partnerships
[myname@] – 4 u to apply for jobs,etc
[myname@] – similarly good & shorter in length

they do also show that u “get it”” , not just professional


examples o’ our romantic//loves IMAGE e//w addresses ::


[myname@] – also good for life-partnerships
[myname@] – 4 u to win her/his ♥ instantly
[myname@] – similarly good & shorter in length !,)


they are parts o’ our HelpUsHelpYou’s “ domains-4-your-$ucce$$e$ “”
for example , /
^is much more meaningsfuller//meaningful
& more professionnaller//professional
& hence a better match to EMPLOYER’s(etc) smatch 
than (_for_example_) &
Aol said @ 2012 @ toppest right corner o’ ::
“ hey ! take any fandom off your resumes “”

honestly speaki’ ,

2days emailing_domain_names ^are meaningless_4_u  & very bori’/boring !

they are allmost allways in these ways ::
– gmail , yahoo , hotmail , facebook , Aol , etc
– your employer’s , etc
– your school’s , etc

[ y(why) let yourself bcome so boring ?? ]

[ y not let your e-address express your uniqueness/specialty/attitude/etc

… impress ?? example – !

…..aftrall , it’s freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! 

…..aftrall , u r so unique/special/talent’d ! so , y not express it efficientest ??? ]

every-body’s webs-address , ‘r allways blogspot / facebook / etc,
every-body ‘r even using them to apply for creative jobs,etc , …

that ‘d provide ample evidences for proving(_or_framing_) that ::
how un_creative / un_sensitive ‘r she/he/it/e/they/thon/ve/xe/yo/zie/ze/sie/hy/co!!
so , for example , let’s imagine that …
all people ‘r competing for a same job[etc] ,
… every-one-else ‘s using facebook,etc to post their resume ,
… but , in_contrast ,

… your RESUME’s net_address ‘r …

thus ,

in comparison , ye(u) stand out automaticcally ,

(at_least) in eyes o’ employers,etc ,
(at_least) better than those people , whose w_address were , for example


so , hither enters madeinUSAplease , providing u w/ alternatives ,

– 4 u to express that u r alternative / funny / professional / etc

– 4 u to win ♥♥’s & job$, etc !,)


p.s.:: dont get us wrong ,
v r not to encourage u to replace your facebook/etc with our *wears*(wares),

v r just to suggest u …:: call_forward ::
}}}-_let’s_take_our_YourGoodPartner_as_example_-{{{ ::
procedures ↘↘↘
… sign up at YourGoodPartner ,
… once log’d in => “Premium”[_@_bottom_o’_menu_stick_] => *Email_forwards*


so, u can take our wears as personnallised/personalized *coat* for ur ordinary e-addr.

then , u can enjoy all benefits_o’_all_other_providers &&& benefits_o’_us !,)


Open bundled references in tabs:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] http://✯.ws/~ozU16$5I

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faq / our ``non_T*T"" for your $ucce$$e$ / about / contact / features / help / privacy policy / terms /_UNIQUENESSES_/
how our ``non_T*T"" helps u win ♥♥'s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ , etc , etc , etc /

followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u do not have them , ... dont look further ! ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring products made_in_USA , please !
>>> e.g.:: via ! <<< ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - `` products made_in_USA "" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA develop'r's , USA execs
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy products made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products made_in_USA ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying products made_in_USA = [best_way] helpin' USA//US//us//u's = helpin' u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy products made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying products made_in_USA ! @ least indorse them !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o}nO{ need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee