summary – if China’s hackers know ur real email_address [even_gmail]… u r doomed
>>> & hijacked– 2012 october 10
>>> the whois-record for , was also changed, along w/ their name-servers
so , if u have any account w/ them , then u would also b[be] downed
and – hackers love to target ^the google // yahoo (etc) ,
b-c – they take that as “ t’ fastest way to bcome t’ famousest hacker worlds-wide “”
thus , u’d b better to sign up}etc{ as a “mask” !,)
reasons ↘ ↘ ↘ [ let’s take ^the Bill_Gates as a subjunctive example to stand4 every 1 ]
should Bill_Gates have a account @ google ( say : ) , …
then , any 1 who know this , can just hack in2 Google for his emails,etc
+, Chinese hackers ^are publickly for any 1 to hire to hack in2 any emails-box,
regardless what_ever it’s , even it’s – gmail // hotmail // yahoo-mail !!!
they —> , , , etc
[ ↑ all in Chinese characters , yet still containing “hotmail’ & “yahoo” etc ]
[ please use google-translate,etc to translate it , then u c[see] it ]
but , to the very contrary , …
should Bill_Gates have a account w/ us , } say : {
& keep on using it only , forwarding mails to his real e-address
( say : ) , … then … ,
his real e-address will b masked by
& thus taken out o’ public sight , hence minimizing//minimising risks o’ handle’s-expose !
by the way & relevantly , yet an other our powersfullest feature to protect u off hackers ::
… 1st , please let me to take my-selves as a general_example for better explanation
i’v register’d many e/w addresses [ email’s//webs addresses ] here ,
e.g.:: , , ,
but , none-o’-them is my id_for_log’in at here ,
}}} just only is , & , i will not tell u this toppest secret !,) {{{
so , … unlike any address @ aol / gmail / HoTMaiL / ymail / etc , …
even u know my e-address ‘s being ,&,
even u r the bestest hacker , … , yet , u do still have no way to hack in2 my account here !,)
v(we) HelpUsHelpYou networks employ the most secure’st[secure] techs ,
making that almost impossible for any_1 to fiddle w/ your data or identity.
&&& , v do n’ever}never{ unveil your personnal info to any body
Open all references in tabs: [1 – 5]
Short link: http://✯.ws/~8aPuO$1A
in their websites ,
they[^the_above_mention’d_Chinese_hackers] do even have classes
to train other Chinese people to b next great hackers
to crack through your gmail & hotmail & ymail etc ,
every day , there’r unlimittedly uncountably many new gmail[etc]_hackers born in China
even google(gmail) & yahoo[ymail] can ___NOT___ escape from hackers – update –
Google, Yahoo Among Sites Hit in DNS Attack Targeting Romanian Domains
even google(gmail) & yahoo[ymail] can ___NOT___ escape from hackers – update –
Google And Apple Sites Downed In Massive Pakistani DNS Hack
Google’s Gmail service suffers disruption–sector.html
indeed , followings did also suffer ::
– Google Apps
– Google Chrome
– Google Docs
– Google Drive