made in USA, please!! [ ur email's/web's addr = non_T T[shirt]]

(showing_that_u_love_USA_helps_u) efficientestly support USA !! ^the ___EASIEST___ tool ===>>> !……… w/ "call_forward" etc , all free 4a

our HelpUsHelpYou_networks features

October 1, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

1ST :: 1ST CLASS free features list (4ever_updating_&_upgrading) ,…& UNIQUENESSES list


Chinese hackers r hired to crack & can crack in2 your gmail[etc] , but ^N***O***T ours!!!


our “ non_T T(shirts)”” ‘r dedic to helpin’ u win ♥♥’s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ , etc


our HelpUsHelpYou's premium features (_all_4_free_4_a(ever))) ::

* dns setting’s S.A.

* you can redirect your any page//post to any web’s-address

* your post ‘r auto-saved [_fast_] , while composing

* yourname.’example’.com & webs-forwarding to your facebook,etc

* yourname@’example’.com & emails forwarding to your gmail,etc

* unlimit’d[unlimitted//unlimited] traffics-&-bandwith + fast high_performance servers

* many many too many fancy themes for your blogs

* v HelpUsHelpYou keep histories o’ your posts & retrieve their old versions when necessary

* custom page footers

... ps - madeinUSAplease is a part o' HelpUsHelpYou_networks
... ps - HelpUsHelpYou's short-cut ::=========>>>>>>>>> 4el
... ps - *HelpUsHelpYou* may also b parsed as `` help us//US help you !! ""


if & only if u dare to fancy to mess w/ fancy featuresthen u can click them↘

[ warning – u have n’o[nO] such need ] ::

detail'd graphics traffics statistics,&,u can insert ur code o' google-analytics
HelpUsHelpYou let u forward ur personnal belongings to any where, 100 % FREEDOM
for example :: id such as , are much
 more professional & more personnaller[personnal] & more memorabler}memorable{
than , etc
easy for human's memory :: bc it's meaningsful , thus :
each o' our domains in HelpUsHelpYou_networks , makes easy
for ur visittors to remember & recommend ur e/w , e.g.:
www.yourname.`example'.com == yourname.`example'.com :: @ our network ↘
u can use yourname.`example'.com with//with_out *www.* prefix ! both works !
e.g.:: ==
handy short-cuts ::
for your any site @ our HelpUsHelpYou_networks , ...
for example - , ... forward u to its dashboard ,&, forward u to its center for traffics-analytics
a theme o' us the HelpUsHelpYou_networks ... is note-worthy :: ::
example o' it - ,
where  it's :: after logged in ,
@ ^the[=that] left-side-bar , please click ^the *Appearance* , then u see it
a theme o' us ... indeed in deep , it's not theme ! it's not just theme ::,)

once activate'd , it'd r'evolutionnally change the outlook o' ur ordinary blog !
example -

where it's :: after logged in ,
@ ^the[=that] left-side-bar , please click ^the *Appearance* ,
then - pl's - find `" , in 1st row o' *Available Themes*
then - pl's - click `Activate"
then - pl's - follow the __very__simple__ instruction @ there
HelpUsHelpYou let u keep ur freeeeeeeee domains [ eg.: & ]
4-ever your person_al//personnal(personal) belonging's !
p.s.:: o yes , }}}etc{{{ is a 100 % legitimate domain ,
p.s.:: should i b technickally//techniccally speaki'//speaking .
p.s.:: (((etc))) enjoys the same grade as high as!,)
p.s.:: ^the joke is n'o//nO joke !,))
so - n'o[nO] more losing visittors ,even when u switch hosting-providers ::
bc - u can easily change whither[where-to] your mail,etc b forwarded ,
so - it wont matter even if u change your emails-provider/school/employer/etc
so - your}for-example{ addresses ,  will b 4 ever
so - u can always forward traffics_u_build_under_^the_address to any FB(etc),
so - n'o[nO] more losing visittors , even when u switch hosting-providers !
available(===>>> a few 1_character's id / 2_chars id / etc []
( ^the above statement is still valid @ now - 4th May 2013 , saturnsday !,))
( hurry up to register ur choice ! bc - they are hot !... while stocks last )
btw , there's a//an extra advantage from our HelpUsHelpYou_networks ::
let's take a imaginary case for example ::↘
u want to register b-cause it's so extremely short ,
( is a part o' our HelpUsHelpYou_networks )
but , have been registerred by an other , ...
... u dont have to cry over that !,) b-c u can register instead!
... there-by , u can still secure a equally extremly short domain//identity.
... p.s.:: & ^are also a part o' our HelpUsHelpYou_networks
a relevant bonus :: 
when ... u r to type }}}etc{{{ in ur net_browser's address-bar,...
then ... now , u have nO need to type in ^the .com ,
then ... now , just type in ``i.4el"" ,
then ... then press together your key o *Ctrl* & your key o 'Enter' ,
then ... voila ! u reach ! just try it ! then u get it
v HelpUsHelpYou is t' 1st & only to offer u the world’s shortest e/w addresses
in .com 4[for] freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 a(ever) ::
e - e.g.:
w - e.g.: <<<==={{{ this kind o' domain , enjoys same grades as high as ,etc
u can create as many e/w[emails//webs] address as u wish @ same account @ here :
u can registr & & & &  
etc etc etc ............. for diffrnt[differrent] purpose , for any purpose, 
just like -::- u have diffrnt t_shirts//fashions for diffrnt situations

}}} indeed , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' `t_shirts//fashions" !,) 
}}} indeed , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' ` 4d non_t t[shirts] " !,)) 
}}} indeep , v HelpUsHelpYou ^are the 1st & only to point that out !,)))
and , u can have unlimitted amount o' accounts ,
yet , u need only 1 account 4[for] all purposes
y}why{ reduce your-self to b *cryptic* monster ??,) ::
allmost every person is pretty certain o' that :: 
if u register a[an] account w/ aol/gmail/hotmail/ymail/etc
then u r sure to end up w/ some "monster" thing like
but , to ^the very contrary ,
our HelpUsHelpYou_networks have many domain 4 u to select as t' base for ur e/w.
so , for example , 
if your name is John Do , then u can select our to register 
& thus easily secure & 
any way , dont b force'd to reduce yourself to b any *cryptic* creature

automaticcally , v gift u multi addresses , 4 free 4 a[ever] ::

our addresses r[are]very flexible and can b played in multi ways , for example ::

should u register a//an address like , then ,

all o’ addresses @ below … will forward all your traffics to your  prescribed destination –
}}} theRomanticGirl serves as example for all domains o’ HelpUsHelpYou_networks {{{

in the summary – it’s just like → → → → → → → → → → → → phone-calls forwarding


free!!![_freedoms_o'_speeches_] ::
in a nutshell , v ^are ye[the] freeste}freest{ !,)
allmost all our competitors dis-allow your own destination_site 
containing any such thing -> adUlt / defamatory / gay / porno / profane /etc

v(we) HelpUsHelpYou allow !
}}} obviously , v cant disclose who r our competitors @ here {{{
}}} sorry for any inconveniency , please accept our sincere apology {{{
all our competitors do even dis-allow your addresses to b pointed to 
ad farm / affiliate-program / site o' pay-per-click / gambling / etc

v HelpUsHelpYou allow
our competitors dont allow more than 3 domains being pointed to a web's_address !
v HelpUsHelpYou allow
our competitors do not allow a subscriber to have more than 1 account 

v HelpUsHelpYou allow !
however u'd only need to create 1 account -
once ur account 's activated 
then u can set up (unlimit'd) multi addresses & manage them all from that account
our big competitors do even require that :: 
your destination_site's_content must b in big langs, e.g. Chinese, Russian ...

_1_ v HelpUsHelpYou do n'ever[nEVER] suck as such
_2_ v HelpUsHelpYou couldnt even imagine our competitors so stupid
... summary ::
v HelpUsHelpYou allow & follow freedoms o' speeches ,
v HelpUsHelpYou allow any thing which is legal in USA
indeed, v'r the 1st_&_only site to allow such things black_on_white
yet , v ^do prohibit spammings & illegals & ab'usings[abUsings] etc !!!
&&& , u ^do b soly}solely{ & completly completely held responsible for all u do


faq - will ads be compulsorily shown w/ access of my domain ???
... ... ... ...
- nO  ! there ^is n'o[nO//no] compulsory ads ,
- nO  ! there ^is n'o[nO//no] obligation to show ads ,
      v HelpUsHelpYou respect your freedom o' choice .
- should u prefer n'o advertisements at all , 
      please email us your preferrence - websmaster at madeinUSAplease. come!
      nO matter what , all our services are still free for u 4 ever , thank u
- however, if u wish to support ^the very [humble] service to last 4 a(ever), 
      then u may allow us to insert a few ads , guaranteed non_intrusive !
- guaranteed :: nO pop_up , nO pop_under , just nO any pop '!')
seo[search_engines_optimisation] ::
any domain( in HelpUsHelpYou_networks , i.e.
the base for your emails//webs addresses @ here , have all been seo'd !
evidence example 1 ↘↘↘
for the search_term "made in USA please", madeinUSAplease is ranked #1 ,
}}} last review - 4th May 2013 , saturnsday !,) {{{
evidence example 2 ↘↘↘
for the search_term "Man Fuk China", ManFukChina is ranked #1 ,
& , is ranked in page 1 ,
}}} last review - 4th May 2013 , saturnsday !,) {{{
seo's intrsting debating ::

ye olde debate o subdomains_v._subdirectories  :  which is better for seo ??

can u dig out o’ black-holes o’ google’s penalty … by offloadin’ to sub-domains ??

^the answer = yes ↘↘↘

“ a top Google search engineer, Matt Cutts, wrote to Edmondson>ceo_o’_hubpages<

…….that he might want to try subdomains “”

& hence ,

based on advice o’ Matt Cutts , & for better seo ,

hubpages{_a_site_similar_to_Google’s_blogspot_} shifted its basic structure

from basing on subdirectories(

to 100 % basing on  subdomains ,

[ example o’ subdomains :: ]

[ example o’ subdomains :: ]

[ example o’ subdomains :: ] ,

… note – 4el / madeinUSAplease is a part o’ HelpUsHelpYou_networks

… note :: ^the `’anyone‘ is a subdomain o’ 4el / madeinUSAplease / etc ,

…………….. enjoying same grade as high as<australia> , etc ,

…………….. bc – ^the `’google’ is also a subdomain


summary ::

– v HelpUsHelpYou_networks are giving u free domains , [ e.g.:: ] ,

… which are enjoyin same grade as high as , etc

– v HelpUsHelpYou_networks’ every domain is also based on subdomains ,

… hence betterring seo to t’ best


ps ::

Google’s blogspot seem to also adOpt ^the above subdomains-advice , which is by

Google’s top search_engineers  , … hence ,

Google’s blogspot’s structure is also based on subdomains ,  such as

following is a screenshot o’ ‘the inside-dashboard }&_its_verticcal_menu{
across each & every site o’ HelpUsHelpYou_networks .
by clicking it in dropdown_menu[_v_call_it_::*wardrobe*] in picture below↘,
u can select & switch to your other registerred site's respective dash_board

on ^the left↘ , is ^the verticcal menu that ‘s dedicated to your selected site

( click it to enlarge it ↘↘↘ )

^the dashboard
v love to name ^the(this) dropdown_menu as  *wardrobe*,

bc:: your any emails/webs address , is a alternative kind o `t_shirt” !,) 

→ → → i.e.→ ^the non_t t}shirt{ !,)
so:: the central container to store your net `t_shirt" , can b named as *wardrobe* of course
by clicking in ^the *wardrobe* ,
u can select your favourite `t_shirt" for custommisations , 
e.g.↘ ~call_forward~ to your gmail,etc//facebook,etc ↘
( click it to enlarge it ↘↘↘ )

indeed , v'd also love to nickname our *wardrobe* as non_wardrobe wardrobe !,)
there are many other intrsting thing in HelpUsHelpYou_works :: for example ::

w/ your sign_up , u receive other prodservices / updates / news  / etc ,

which r being expanded & added continuously , thank yebest , ye best , Eunice !,)

Open bundled references in tabs:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] http://✯.ws/~jRdZb$N

made in USA please ! January 22nd, 2013 @ 11:40 am

our domain apps[_apparels_//_applications_//_etc_] , are dedic to make sure to
concisely_&______clearly_ express that :: u’r => the one in a million, not one of a million,
i.e. – let u stand out , e.g.:: [yourname@] !,)

made in USA please January 22nd, 2013 @ 12:30 pm

when applying for jobs,etc , u got to b as _professional_____ as possible
in alllllllll aspects[_esp_===>>>_your_email’s/web’s_addresses_]
examples o’ ______professional_image______ e/w addresses ::
[myname@] – also good for life-partnership
[myname@] – good 4 u to apply for jobs,etc
[myname@] – may b nicer than all above

they are parts o’ our madeinUSAplease’s “ domains-4-your-$ucce$$e$ “”
for example , //
^is much more meaningsfuller//meaningful
[ & —>>> more professionnaller//professional ]
[ & —>>> hence a better match to employers’ smatch ]
than (_for_example_) &
Aol said @ 2012 @ toppest right corner o’ ::
“ hey ! take your fandom off your resumes “”
p.s.:: dont get us wrong ,
v r not to encourage u to replace your facebook//gmail//etc with our *wears*(wares),

v r just to suggest u …:: “call_________forward”” ::
}}}-_let’s_take_our_YourGoodPartner_as_example_-{{{ ::
procedures ↘↘↘
… sign up at YourGoodPartner ,
… once logged in … ==> “Premium”[_@_bottom_o’_menu_stick_] ==> *Email_forwards*

… so, u can take our wears as personnallised//personalized ***coat*** for your ordinary e-address

then , u can enjoy all benefits_o’_all_other_providers &&& benefits_o’_us !,)

made in USA please ! January 22nd, 2013 @ 4:54 pm

now, email’s-domains ^are ______meaningless______ & very bori'(boring) ,
allmost allways in these ways ::
– gmail , yahoo , hotmail , facebook , Aol , etc ,
– your school’s , etc ,
– your employer’s , etc ,
so , madeinUSAplease is providing alternatives , funny_/_meaningsfullest_/_professional_
[_4_u_to_win_♥♥’s_&_}hence{_job$_,_etc_] !,)

made in USA please ! January 22nd, 2013 @ 5:25 pm

sorry , v//we madeinUSAplease cant emphasize it enough ,
so , please let us to stress it again ::
email’s-domains ^are boring just too much , always … hotmail , *mail , etc ,
every-body’s webs-address ‘r allways … blogspot , facebook , etc,
every-body ‘r even using them to apply for creative jobs,etc , …

that provide ample evidences for proving(_or_framing_) that ::
how un_creative / un_sensitive ‘r she/he/it/e/they/thon/ve/xe/yo/zie/ze/sie/hy/co!!
}}}-for-example-{{{ when …
all people ‘r competing for a same job[etc] ,
& , every-one-else ‘s using facebook,etc to post their resume ,
& , in contrast , your ___resume’s w_address___ ‘r, …
in comparison , ye(u) stand out automaticcally ,
… at least in eyes o’ employers,etc ,
… at least better than those people , whose w_address were , for example

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faq / our ``non_T*T"" for your $ucce$$e$ / about / contact / features / help / privacy policy / terms /_UNIQUENESSES_/
how our ``non_T*T"" helps u win ♥♥'s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ , etc , etc , etc /

followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u do not have them , ... dont look further ! ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring products made_in_USA , please !
>>> e.g.:: via ! <<< ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - `` products made_in_USA "" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA develop'r's , USA execs
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy products made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products made_in_USA ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying products made_in_USA = [best_way] helpin' USA//US//us//u's = helpin' u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy products made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying products made_in_USA ! @ least indorse them !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o}nO{ need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee