made in USA, please!! [ ur email's/web's addr = non_T T[shirt]]

(showing_that_u_love_USA_helps_u) efficientestly support USA !! ^the ___EASIEST___ tool ===>>> !……… w/ "call_forward" etc , all free 4a

our HelpUsHelpYou_networks uniquenesses

October 1, 2012 @ 8:24 pm
prelude ::
our article `` our non_T T[shirts] 'r 4 u 2(to) express clearly 2 impress really ""
is detailin' other unique benefits specific to each o' our domains , 
e.g.- helpin' u win ♥s//jobs//$ucce$$e$//trusts//etc ,
sample -,
uniqueness A - v r the 1st_&_only to include so many premium features all 4 free 4 a}ever{
uniqueness 1 -
v HelpUsHelpYou is the 1st & only to offer u the world’s shortest e/w addresses
in .com 4[for] freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 a(ever) ::
e - e.g.:
w - e.g.: <<<==={{{ this kind o' domain , enjoys same grades as high as ,etc
uniqueness 2 - fancy / fanciest goodies ::
fancy goody - example 1 - fanciest short-cuts -
when_ever u sign up a iD w/ any dn( in our networks ,
[ sample : [ u'll also get along ]]
then u'll also get a list o' fanciest short-cuts , e.g.:
fancy goody - example 2 - qr codes

they point to ^the respective site’s home-page:

it’s also possible to insert a qr-code widget on every page


fancy goody - example 3 - print off & show off !!!
how about fancy a t-shirt//mug//etc w/ ur qr-code &&& jingly URL ??
uniqueness 3 - simplest administrative short-cuts ::
for example - let's say - u sign up ,
then , your administrative-shortcuts r following ::
[Home] site home-page ::
[Stats] site analytics ::
[Admin] control panel _::
uniqueness 4 - following combo[s] o' supreme features r uniq'st :

dns  S.A.

* yourname.’example’.com _& webs-forwarding

* yourname@’example’.com & emailsforwarding

redirectin’ your any page//post to any web’s-address

* keepin’ history o’ your posts & retrieving ^the old versions when_ever necessary

* custom page footers

* &&&&&&&&&&&& they are 4 free 4 a[ever]
************************ btw :: 
from just above features ( e.g.  dns (_domain_name_systems_) )
u can see that :
HelpUsHelpYou_networks is fundamentally a domain_registry ,
the webs-addresses v gift u <_e.g.::_ibm.ToYourSuccesses.com_> ,  
^are indeed absolutly absolutely unconditionnally 100 % free domains , & ,
every 1 o' which enjoys t' same grade as high as↘↘↘ , etc
uniqueness 5 - our themes ::

if u look for a way to consolidate your sites & social profiles [ see  samples here^]

, pls select 1 o’ many our themes , …& u may choose to config it as u like .

– following r the most popularrest themes among our users ::

uniqueness 6 - our domains ::
}}} note :: domain =  `example'.com , ... the base for yourname@`example'.com , etc {{{
indeed , any domain is *unique*, i.e.:: let's take our as example ::
there ^is only 1 ,
n'o[no] other place has it , 
n'o[no] matter what_ever !
this kind o' uniqueness o' domains , is equivalent to or even better than any patent ,
b-c - patents last normally only 20 years , but , to the contrary , any domain lasts 4 a(ever) ,
yes - v take any domain as a kind o' 'patent' !,)
************************ btw ::
any domain = also a kind o’ app … or ware[wear]
uniquess 7 -
u can create as many e/w[email's//webs] addresses as u wish in same acc @ here
u can registr & & & &  
etc etc etc ............. for diffrnt(differrent) purpose , for any purpose, 
just like -::- u have diffrnt t_shirts fashion[s] for diffrnt situation}s{
}}} indeed , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' ``t_shirts//fashions" !,) 
}}} indeed , your e/w address ^is also a kind o' `` 4d non_t t[shirts] " !,)) 
}}} indeep , v ^are t'(the) 1st & only to point that out !,))) 
and , u can have unlimitted amounts o' accounts @ HelpUsHelpYou networks ,
yet ,, u need only 1 account 4[for] all purposes
uniqueness 8 - v ^are ye[the] freeste}freest{ !,)
allmost all our competitors dis-allow your e/w_destination's-address to b
containing any such thing -> adUlt / defamatory / gay / porno / profane /etc

v(we) allow !!
}}} obviously , v cant disclose who r our competitors @ here {{{
}}} sorry for any inconveniency , please accept our sincere apology , thank ye
all our competitors do even dis-allow your addresses to b pointed to 
ad farm / affiliate-program / site o' pay-per-click / gambling / etc

v allow !!
our competitors do not allow more than 3 domains being pointed to any same webs-address] !
v allow !!
our competitors do not allow a subscriber to have more than 1 account 

v allow !!

however , u'd only need to create 1 account ::
once ur account 's activated ,
then u can set up multiple addresses n manage them all from ^the same log_in
our big competitors do even require that :: 
w/ them , your destination_site's content must b in big languages, e.g. Chinese , Russian ,
v n'ever[nEVER] !!
v n'ever[nEVER] do any such sucking thing !!,)
even v have some-thing f'king as FuckingAustria !,))
v allow & follow freedoms o' speeches ,
v allow any thing which's legal in USA
indeed, v'r the 1st_&_only , who allows such things black_on_white
yet , v ^do prohibit spammings & illegals & ab'usings[abUsings] etc !!!
&& , u ^do b soly}solely{ & 100 % held responsible for all that u did


Open bundled references in tabs:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] http://✯.ws/~DNsqX$Q

faq / our ``non_T*T"" for your $ucce$$e$ / about / contact / features / help / privacy policy / terms /_UNIQUENESSES_/
how our ``non_T*T"" helps u win ♥♥'s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ , etc , etc , etc /

followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u do not have them , ... dont look further ! ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring products made_in_USA , please !
>>> e.g.:: via ! <<< ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - `` products made_in_USA "" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA develop'r's , USA execs
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy products made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products made_in_USA ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying products made_in_USA = [best_way] helpin' USA//US//us//u's = helpin' u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy products made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying products made_in_USA ! @ least indorse them !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy products made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o}nO{ need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee